
The RSA encryption and decryption example

In this example, we demonstrate how to exchange complex data types between Rust and JavaScript using JSON strings. Read about encryption and decryption in Rust and Node.js.


If you have not done so already, follow these simple instructions to install Rust, Node.js, SSVM, and ssvmup.

The cargo config file

The Cargo.toml file shows the dependencies.

Rust code

The src/lib.rs file contains three Rust functions to create a key pair, encrypt with the public key, and decrypt with the private key. The keys are passed into or returned from those functions as JSON strings.

Build the WASM bytecode

$ ssvmup build --enable-aot

Node app

The node/app.js file shows how to call the Rust functions from JavaScript to create a key pair, use the public key to encrypt a string, and then use the private key to decrypt it.


$ cd node
$ node app.js
generate_key_pair: 2639.036ms
encrypt_decrypt: 56.670ms
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