
The functions example

In this example, we demonstrate how to call Rust functions in SSVM from JavaScript. Read about Getting started with Rust functions in Node.js.


If you have not done so already, follow these simple instructions to install Rust, Node.js, SSVM, and ssvmup.

Create new project

$ cargo new --lib functions
$ cd functions

Change the cargo config file

The Cargo.toml file shows the dependencies. Note the dependency for wasm-bindgen, which is required for invoking these Rust functions from JavaScript. The dependency for serde and serde-json allows us to work with JSON strings to represent complex data types.

Write Rust code

The supported data types are:

The src/lib.rs file contains a few Rust functions that showcase different combinations of input / output parameters, including using JSON strings to serialize and deserialize complex data types.

Build the WASM bytecode

$ ssvmup build --enable-aot

Node.js app

The node/app.js file shows how to call the Rust functions, running inside the Second State VM (SSVM), from JavaScript inside Node.js.


node app.js


hello SSVM
Uint8Array [87, ... 203]
Uint8Array [126, ... 27]